From 20-Year-Old Factory to Innovative Egg Processing: The Success Story of Daegyeong Egg and KI Systems

Daegyeong Egg, a leading egg liquid processing company in South Korea, has been at the forefront of the industry for over 20 years. We sat down for a talk with Vice President Kim Young-gon and Seungmin Lee of KI systems about food safety and the South Korean market. 

Daegyeong Egg, a leading egg liquid processing company in South Korea, has been at the forefront of the industry for over 20 years. Vice President Kim Young-gon oversees management, quality, and sales, ensuring that Daegyeong Egg meets the high standards expected by its large clientele, including baking, confectionery, and meat processing companies.

Modernizing for Greater Capacity and Efficiency

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As the factory aged and orders increased, Daegyeong Egg recognized the need for a new facility and higher-capacity machinery. The company invested in advanced equipment, including the OptiBreaker Compact 6  and later, the OptiBreaker Compact 8, to meet growing demands. This upgrade allowed Daegyeong Egg to significantly enhance its production capacity.

Navigating Market Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the challenges in the non-pasteurized egg market, common in countries like Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Daegyeong Egg remains optimistic about the future of liquid egg products. Mr. Kim highlights the potential for developing Extended Shelf Life (ESL) products, similar to those in the United States and Europe, due to the increasing focus on microorganism stability, especially during summer.

Embracing Advanced Technology

To address the need for varied pasteurization methods, Daegyeong Egg employs first-generation plate pasteurizers, third-generation wave pasteurizers, and plans to incorporate second-generation tubular pasteurizers. This diverse range of equipment allows the company to produce egg-yolk products and test different functional properties.

“Through the Wave system, we've seen an increase in microorganic stability and product orders, putting us a step ahead of competitors,” says Mr. Kim. The company's commitment to quality and stability has garnered positive reviews from partners, with expectations for increased orders due to the superior whipping ability and stability of their egg products.

Reliable After-Service and Future Expansion

One of the key factors in Daegyeong Egg's success is the reliable after-service provided by SANOVO and KI Systems. Unlike previous experiences with Japanese and competitor equipment, the support from SANOVO has been exceptional. “If SANOVO releases a new machine in the future, I’m willing to buy it,” says Mr. Kim, reflecting his confidence in the partnership.

Daegyeong Egg is also exploring automation and concentration machines from SANOVO to further enhance productivity and stability. With the continued support from SANOVO and KI Systems, Daegyeong Egg is well-positioned to expand its operations and meet future market demands.

OptiBreaker Compact with Aqua Loader

A Long-Standing Partnership

Mr. Seungmin Lee of KI Systems has been instrumental in supporting Daegyeong Egg's growth. With over 30 years in the industry and 15 years working with SANOVO, Mr. Lee has witnessed significant advancements in Korea’s liquid egg market. The partnership between Daegyeong Egg and KI Systems began in 2015 with the purchase of the OptiBreaker Compact 6, and has since grown to include state-of-the-art pasteurizers and breakers.

Looking Ahead

Daegyeong Egg and KI Systems are committed to maintaining their strong partnership and continuing to innovate in the egg processing industry. With plans to introduce more advanced SANOVO equipment and expand their production capabilities, Daegyeong Egg is poised to lead the market in quality and efficiency.


About the collaboration

In my 20 years in this business, I've seen a lot of other companies, but when I look at competitor brands or other companies in Japan, they didn't give after-service.
That's why I'm in a relationship with SANOVO and KI System. For after-service and microorganic stability. If SANOVO releases a better machine in the future, I'm willing to buy it.

Kim Young-gon, Vice President Daegyung Egg