Our egg accumulators get some structure into the incoming egg flow. Different versions are available to adapt the tables to your specific capacity requirements with up to 216,000 eggs/hour (600 cases/hour). The speed of the pre-accumulation unit is controlled by egg sensors and guides, so all eggs are distributed equally to all lanes to achieve a filling rate of >98%. That way you achieve an optimal feeding rate with a minimum amount of double eggs on the rollers.
The tables are optimized for cleanability and based on hygienic design principles. OptiAccumulators have collecting trays under the entire egg accumulator as well as pre-installed spray bars under the belts for full CIP.
- Up to 226.800 eggs/hour (630 cases /hour)
- OptiAccumulator available with 76.2 mm pitch for grading operations and 85 mm pitch for breaking operations.
- Pre accumulator belt is available in different lengths, to adapt to different production layouts (e.g. the position of the egg feed conveyor)